Sunday, April 28, 2013

Lukasavage Jess Post Modern Typography Website SP13

My postmodern website. An homage to when Morrissey, former singer of the Smiths, was bitten by a dog. Clicking 'pet the dog' leads the viewer to the second page.  Bigmouth Strikes again is a reference to the Smiths' song and works well for something about a dog biting someone. 

Sunday, March 31, 2013


Proposal for Kinetic Typography Project
Jessica Lukasavage

Problem Statement

Extinction is happening rapidly on our planet.  While some extinction is simply the natural order of nature, many animals and plants are disappearing at a rapid pace due to human involvement.

The goal is to create a motion graphic highlighting certain species currently being threatened by humanity, using kinetic typography and graphics.


Initial inspiration, as well as research for this project has come from my involvement in the Save the Rhino Foundation and various other conservation groups, such as the World Wildlife Fund.


Most people live their daily lives and don’t give a second thought to our planet and how we are affecting it.  Meanwhile, plants and animals are disappearing from the world.  Some of these creatures are beneficial to the planet and without them the environments can change dramatically. 

Most conservation programs focus on animals that are not necessarily important to ecosystems, thus gaining criticism from those who believe that extinction is just a natural part of life.  My goal is to focus on species that are beneficial to their environments and would cause great problems if they were to become extinct.


Following the initial creation of the proposal on April 1st, 2013, I will begin the research process to find threatened species that benefit their environments.  During this time, I will also be working on my font, Jowlsans, to improve it so that it can be used it the motion graphic. I will present facts about the species I find and incorporate my typeface into the graphic.  I will then link organizations at the end of the motion graphic that viewers can donate to. 
On April 15th, 2013, there will be an in-progress critique where I will present 80% or more of this project.  On April 24th, 2013, I will present the final product of this project for critique.


There is no applicable budget, as I already own After Effects.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Type Journal #5

The Jason Santa Maria talk was interesting.  He has a good eye for discerning good and bad typefaces and learning from him is beneficial to up and coming designers.  It was interesting in the talk when he showed the image of the design convention with the terrible sign of one word split into three parts.  It perhaps shows that even designers with good intentions can make really terrible mistakes.  He talked about a lot of things that were already covered in classes I've had but are nonetheless interesting to hear again.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Type Journal #4

from Monowolf.
This inspires me because of it's tall x-height and long curving extenders.  It has a very ornate feeling to it but also a feeling that it can be used in anything, from signs to titles.
Simon Walker's type examples inspired me because of their old silent film feel to them.  They looked like the text cards that come up in silent-era films.  They were also reminiscent of old labels on classic products.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Typography Journal #4

Photo Safari

Point of View Cinema- Millersville PA
Lebanon Paper- Lebanon PA